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Towards the Next Generation of Sustainable Products Based on Under-Studied Microalgae and a Biorefinery Approach (BLUE.FUTURE)

Towards the Next Generation of Sustainable Products Based on Under-Studied Microalgae and a Biorefinery Approach (BLUE.FUTURE)
Start date: 1 January, 2023
End date: 30 September, 2025
Code: -





Marine Science Supplementary Plan and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan 2023

Current Situation:

In progress


Andalusia has the potential to become a world leader in innovation and production of microalgae biomass and the next generation of safe, high quality and sustainable algae products. BLUE-FUTURE’s hypothesis is that microalgae can be used to divert industrial production from its current unsustainable path towards greener processes that minimise emissions of CO2 and other pollutants toxic to humans and the environment.

The project has three main objectives: (i) to identify new and overlooked microalgae strains, (ii) to demonstrate the technical feasibility of producing sustainable and high quality microalgae biomass in Andalusia under extreme climatic conditions and using renewable resources; and (iii) to design sensors, monitoring and control technologies to improve the efficiency, productivity and optimisation of microalgae-based biorefineries.

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